Friday, July 8, 2011

Burning sensation in heart: cure it naturally

Health comes first to every individual, because it is firmly believed that health is wealth. If a person is fit as fiddle, he/ she can move mountains. Fit people display confidence and positive approach towards everything. Smallest problems with health lead to lack of concentration, less productivity and many more problems. The basic reason behind this is continuous presence of that health related problem in our mind. Absence of which makes our free from all worries. However small the health problem is, its presence affects our well being and peace of mind. Let’s take an example of acid reflux or heart burn. This problem is related to acid production in our stomach, which due to some reasons finds its way out and moves into throat leaving an acidic taste behind. This problem occurs due to mis-functioning of esophageal valve. Function of this valve is to protect the food pipe from hydrochloric acid produced in the stomach for digestion. This dysfunction leads the acid into unprotected esophagus causing burning sensation due to acid. This is called acid reflux or heart burn. This discomfort can be felt after a heavy meal or many times during pregnancy, during last trimester as a result upward movement of enlarging uterus. Displacement of stomach and various other organs causes acid back up.

There are various heartburn remedies, no magical instant ones, they take their own course of time, but give assured and long lasting relief from this burning discomfort. These remedies are natural and can be safely administered on people of any age. Firstly, avoid leaving stomach empty for long. Take small, frequent meals. Avoid acidic foods such as citrus fruits, juices, chocolate, mint, carbonated water, caffeine etc. These foods trigger acidic production and in turn cause heartburn. Other natural heartburn cures are as follows. Hitting the basic problem of valve dysfunction with proper treatment is another way to avoid heartburn. Consume 3 teaspoons of honey for healing the damaged valve tissue. Consuming a glass of cold milk gives that relieving sensation immediately. This can be made into a daily habit. Drinking a glass of cold milk naturally cures heartburn. Having papaya for breakfast every morning is another good way to bid this acidic feeling goodbye. Undertaking natural ways to deal with this problem is wiser and better step than to administer any medication. This problem can be easily tackled with natural remedies.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Home made heartburn remedies

Heartburn is a common medical condition wherein the victim suffers from an uncomfortable burning sensation in the chest area (hence the name ‘heart’-burn). However, despite the misleading terminology the condition has nothing to do with the heart and all to do with the stomach.
Heartburn is caused when the digestive acids in the stomach work their way up the esophagus, which is the tube that carries food from your mouth to your stomach. The condition, though uncomfortable when it lasts, is usually harmless and can be safely treated at home although medical treatment will have to be sought if the attacks increase in frequency and/or seriousness.

Fortunately, there are several effective heartburn remedies as well as preventive measures that can be followed at home during an attack. A glass of warm milk taken with a few teaspoons of honey is one such simple remedy. Soothing, tasty and easy to make with easily available ingredients, it continues to be a favorite with most heartburn sufferers.
A solution of vinegar with water is another popular home remedy for this condition. Studies show that the presence of acids in the throat and esophageal tube stimulate the salivary glands, causing the body to increase saliva production and digestive activity which in turn soothes the symptoms. People who find themselves unable to handle the taste can try apple cider vinegar which has a more pleasing flavor.

There are also several simple precautions including body detoxification that can be taken to prevent heartburn from occurring in the first place.
Research shows that steering clear of taking large quantities of fluid during a meal reduces the chances of heartburn as does avoiding lying down immediately after food. Cutting down on your caffeine intake and avoiding tobacco and alcohol are some other proven remedies.

Detoxification is another popular preventive method for heartburn. The process involves the use of various substances and techniques to flush the body of toxins. Common detoxification methods include high-fiber diets, juicing, exercise, sweating and deep breathing to name just a few of the many preventive heartburn remedies. Finally, stress is a proven cause for heartburn so avoid unnecessary tension and practice relaxation techniques for anxiety release. 

Monday, July 4, 2011

The best natural heartburn cures

Heartburn is a common condition affecting nearly 10% of the population at any given point of time. Almost all of us would have had heartburn at some point of our lives. The uncomfortable burning sensation in the chest region is caused when the digestive acids present in the stomach are forced into the esophageal passage (the tube connecting the throat with the stomach) for some reason.
There are several possible causes for heartburn ranging from natural conditions such as pregnancy to medical problems such as diabetes and autoimmune diseases such as CREST syndrome, scleroderma and Raynaud phenomenon. Obesity is another common cause of heartburn as is wearing tight fitting clothing.
Heartburn Remedies

Fortunately there are several simple heartburn remedies that can be made easily at home. A glass of warm milk and honey for example is an excellent homemade remedy for heartburn as is a mixture of vinegar and water. Other natural heartburn cures includes common kitchen spices such as cinnamon, cardamom, ginger and sage.

Cinnamon: Try making some cinnamon toast or sprinkling some of it on your morning cereal. Another method is to brew some cinnamon tea using a stick of cinnamon. There are also several flavored tea brands that offer cinnamon as part of their range.

Ginger and sage: ginger and sage teas are two other effective natural heartburn cures. In case of ginger, make the tea by adding about two teaspoons of powdered ginger to one cup water and allowing the mixture to simmer for about ten minutes.

Other natural heartburn cures include mixing together a tablespoon each of apple cider vinegar and honey in a cup of warm water to make a homemade antacid mixture. Baking soda is another effective ingredient and as little as half a teaspoon mixed in half a glass of water can cure heartburn (not recommended for patients who are on a salt-restricted diet).

Finally, make the effort to switch to a healthier, more wholesome lifestyle. Exercise more and avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. 

Colon cleanse and detoxification

The very term detoxification and IBS[Irritable bowel syndrome] might not be known by many people but when affected by various ailments one would be new when introduced by the health practitioner to these popular cleansing programmers like colon cleanse, Fiber cleanse which enables your body to kick start a new metabolism. It is true that as we live our day to day life filled with busy activities our bodies daily does the best to neutralize toxins and escort them away from the body as quickly and effectively as possible. However it would do well if one considers the whole body detoxification programmed because it would include various health benefits to our body. It is essential to find that the detoxification and especially colon cleanse enables one to have a healthy colon and in turn a good immune and digestive system for effective functioning of the body.

The unhealthy colon could cause the irritable bowel syndrome and the pepper mint oil is proven to reduce the abdominal pain and bloating. Due to the IBS. It is a natural carminative herb which would effectively eliminate the gas from the intestines and in turn those suffering from this kind of syndrome are probably cured from bloating. The ability of pepper mint oil is to block the movement of calcium into muscle cells of the intestines. Recent studies have proved its efficiency and it is placed on a higher rank than the placebo .It should not be taken internally by pregnant women and children. Moreover when this is taken in excessive doses it is proven to effectively reduce the appetite, cause kidney failure, heart problems and even death in some cases. The various detox products enables our body to get rid of either the toxins or the harmful effects of drug abuse,. Various medical and herbal detox products are combined in most cleansing regimes to ensure that the rate of the individual’s metabolism is returned to a normal rate and the vivid balance of the chemicals is maintained in the body. It must be also noted that detox programs for an extended period of time is not safe and hence it is wise to consult an expert physician before trying out any kind of cleansing or detox product.

Heartburn treatments at the time of pregnancy

Many women across the world suffer from the painful symptoms of Heart burn and the pain grows more bearable in the sensitive time of pregnancy. Natural remedies in these situations are the best solutions which neither have side effects like other chemical medications and can cure and give relief naturally. But to find heartburn remedies it is very important to understand what heartburn is and how it is formed. Heartburn is not caused by heart problems, but by the stomach acid backing up esophagus. The esophageal sphincter keeps the stomach acid in restrain and if the same seep into the esophagus, the burning ache originates. A similar abdominal pain can be felt in case of irritable bowel syndrome. However the only difference between irritable bowel syndrome and heartburn is that in the first case there is usually no apparent cause but heartburn has its caused defined.

There are few effective heartburn remedies which can easily be adopted without making serious changes in daily diet and routines.

The first remedy action would be to take the help of digestive enzymes. In these times, women often feel more problems with digestion than in other regular times. With an increased digestion problem, heartburn becomes more painful and unbearable. In pregnancy, after every meal if a digestive enzyme supplement is taken, it will aid in quick and proper digestion without any side effects.

Secondly, Licorice roots are an effective medicine in the problems of heartburn. It has a healing power that reduces the pain and soothes the stomach and esophagus. When there is a painful attack of heartburn, around 400mg of licorice root may be taken for faster relief and better cure.

Thirdly, probiotic is a friendly way of treating digestion problems, including heartburn. The contents of probiotic are nothing but responsive bacterias which help in quicker digestion and also at the same time treat heartburn problems. At the time of pregnancy this is an effective medicine without harming the body.

Lastly, in times of inflammation, the Slippery Elm is a good medicine towards healing the affected areas of the stomach. The intake quantity should be 300mg at a rate three times each day so that it heals the irritation and cures the area at a faster rate.

In times of pregnancy a lot of precaution needs to be taken and any harmful intake should be avoided as it may hamper the baby. A natural remedy is the ideal solution in this time which cures the disease without harming.